Sunday, 24 April 2011

Solemnization + Save The Date Invitation Card

2 months plus to go!Hope this time everything goes well.
Insyaallah.All.. please pray for me..Allamdulillah..
Syukur ke atas nikmatMu Ya Allah.

Ok.gonna share with you my solemnization invitation card.I made it by my own inspired by post card design. Its gonna be my save the date card on the reception too. Actually not really hard to made it as i love it much!It just simple and nice. Just use whatever have in my locker, (but for the rubber stamp kene tempah, i also use it for the solemnization door gift) so here represent my card guys!

Actually just use one card only, here front and back of the card.

Use cd case cover plastics.

I just love it. Wat do you think?hehe

p/s; Sorry guys. Solemnization caremony just invited for  family,relatives  and close friends aje.Will invited you on my reception day ya!


  1. Assalamualaikum

    cantiknya akak.jeles nya.rasa macam nak kwin awl ja.hihi

  2. w'salam

    thanks..meh address umah..akak send satu..
    kahwin awal..xrugi pun..
