Monday, 10 January 2011


AJL 25
Location: St. Putra Bukit Jalil
Date: 9 January 2011

No need to show the full result as everybody know the winner is Ana Raffali with Tolong Ingatkan Aku song. Frankly, i dun think she deserved for it, but who are me or we (who disagree with me) to judge. AJL as we know has judging by professional judges. So, just accept it ya..Whatever it is, congratulations to my bb, Faizal Tahir for the best performance award for Hanyut song and i'm so speechless! His unique. Selamat Malam performance also great and unique.Its harmonies with some other actor and actress on the stage. I just loved what Faizal Tahir has doing every year for AJL..even for any events..Super creative with the great songs, vocals and performances. huh.. (dunno wat to say dah..all the compliments just for him because he is the only singer i loved in Malaysia, hehehe).Check it out yo!

Selamat Malam


Superb Amazing!

FT the best. Below Hanyut from youtube.

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